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Corporate Governance

Enwell Energy consciously and continuously operates in a transparent and ethical way, complying with all applicable laws and regulations, working in a careful and responsible manner, and communicating openly with all our stakeholders. Our corporate structure and systems are designed to ensure we keep to our principles.

Corporate structure and responsibilities

Enwell Energy follows a recognised corporate governance code, the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code 2018 (or QCA code), to ensure that the company is managed by our board of directors for the long-term benefit of our shareholders and stakeholders, including staff and customers. Our Chairman oversees corporate governance compliance.

Maintaining a well-functioning board

Our directors set the company’s strategy and monitor its implementation. The board comprises six directors – the Non-Executive Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, Finance Director and three further non-executive directors, reflecting a blend of different experience and backgrounds.

Each year our annual report lays out our strategy and business model, along with the key challenges we see ahead of us.


We want our shareholders to understand our goals, strategy and how we are performing, and we communicate clearly and regularly with them to make sure they do. Chris Hopkinson, Chairman, Sergii Glazunov, Chief Executive Officer, and Bruce Burrows, Finance Director, are our key contacts with shareholders.

We regularly report on our progress as a business through market announcements.


Enwell Energy recognises that as a business we have wider responsibilities – to our staff, suppliers, customers, regulators and the communities and environments we operate within. We take these responsibilities very seriously.

We also take great care to carry out all operational activities in a cautious, principled, legal and environmentally responsible way, and we work hard to build strong relationships with our external stakeholders. We are involved with the communities close to our operations through sponsorship and community projects.

Our directors closely monitor the way we conduct our operational activities and our relationship with local communities.

See our Corporate Governance Statement.

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